People In Need PIN

People In Need PIN

Something About Company

We are a non-governmental, non-profit organization founded on the ideals of humanism, freedom, equality and solidarity. We consider human dignity and freedom to be fundamental values. We believe that people anywhere in the world should have the right to make decisions about their lives and to share the rights expressed in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

We strive for a society that is open, informed, engaged and responsible with respect to problems at home and around the world. We want to actively participate in shaping a society where cultural, ethnic, racial and other differences are a source of enrichment rather than conflict.

We are an intrinsic part of civil society. Our work is based on the personal initiative and activity of hundreds of our employees and volunteers, both in the Czech Republic and in the dozens of other countries where we operate, as well as the trust and support we are endowed with by individuals, businesses, governments and international institutions.

We determine the specific areas and priorities of our activities with respect to the level of urgency and our actual capacity to change the situation. We cannot be everywhere, but it is essential that our work makes a real difference.

We provide humanitarian aid in critical regions around the world in response to a real need, in the spirit of the Code of Conduct for the International Red Cross. We help people overcome disaster and support them in the time of recovery so that they can get back on their feet.

We combat poverty, the roots of which we consider to be insufficient access to education, natural resources, as well as unjust treatment, discrimination, and poor administration. We help people to overcome these limiting circumstances and support them in their ability to improve their lives. We target the roots of these problems and cooperate with the people affected to remove them.

We base ourselves on the experiences of our own country in the 20th century to provide help in authoritarian and transforming regimes. Just as the free world supported the struggle for freedom in former communist states, we support people engaging in critique and dialogue with power, demanding that fundamental human rights are observed, and striving for more open societies. We support civil society so that it may be the cornerstone of improved maintenance of public affairs in emerging societies and countries.

Through concrete social work based on mutual respect and responsibility, we help people living in social exclusion in the Czech Republic. We cooperate with them to solve their problems. We particularly support the education of young people with the objective to improve their prospects in life. We also strive to solve key structural issues such as over-indebtedness, discrimination, labour market exclusion, and segregational tendencies in education.

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