IMPACT civil society research and development

IMPACT civil society research and development

Something About Company


IMPACT – Civil Society Research and Development e.V., founded in Berlin in 2013, is a non-profit civil society organization. We aim for a globally active and well-connected civil society that is the cornerstone for social and political change. To this end IMPACT focuses on long-term and balanced support to individuals and organizations in both conflict and developed countries through its fields of work: development, social engagement and research. IMPACT’s team is based across Europe, Syria, Lebanon, Turkey and Iraq.

Our Mission

IMPACT aims to empower civil society to become a driver for change and a guarantor for human rights and good governance by conducting relevant research, and by offering spaces that enable capacity building and the exchange of knowledge and resources.

Our Programs

IMPACT focuses extensively on networking among local, diaspora and international organizations and aims to elevate the presence and visibility of civil actors. In addition to our multiple research and evaluation projects, we work intensively in capacity building for civil society and community-based organizations through a trained team accompanied by domain experts.

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