Terms and Conditions


(„EBLA“ or „we“) apply to the contractual agreement (hereinafter referred to as the “Agreement”) between EBLA on the one hand and the users (also referred to as “Users“ or “you“) on the other hand, who are interested in or use any career service that is offered at www.eblahr.com or other websites that incorporate these Terms of Use and our mobile applications (“apps”) (collectively referred to as “Service” herinafter). Such websites and the apps are collectively referred to as “EBLA Platforms” hereinafter.

Our Terms and Conditions.

  1. The Services under these Terms of Use are intended only for the individual job search by natural persons as an employee or as a freelancer. Otherwise it is not permitted to use the Services offered by us in a commercial way, e.g. to promote the Services of a company.

Object of the Agreement and Scope of the Services

EBLA offers a variety of career services via the Platforms. EBLA wants to be your lifelong career assistant. If your life perspective changes, you are developing or reaching for new goals, EBLA offers the right career support. We aim to build a long lasting relationship, to build a product and a Service, that is available 7 days a week, 24 hours a day and which enables you to take your life and future in your own hands.

You can use certain Services without registration. The registration of a Job Agent or an EBLA account will offer you additional functionalities and Services. To provide you with the specific Services under registration or for the calculation of the term, we will store the date of your last activity at the EBLA Platforms (“Last Activity Date”), which can include the date of your registration, and last use of EBLA Services like your login to the EBLA account, clicking links in the EBLA newsletter or Job Agent or the use of an EBLA Profile or any other action that indicates that you are still interested in using our services.

If you enter into an agreement for a EBLA Account you can use additional Services as described hereinafter. You can register for a EBLA account.

  1. Saved Listings

You can save job ads that you have viewed, e.g. by clicking the respective button in the job ad. You will then be able to access such saved listings in your EBLA Account. EBLA may analyse your saved listings and based upon such analysis optimize and tailor the services provided to you.

  1. EBLA Profile

you can create an account in EBLA  to apply for vacancies via your account.

You can use any such Profile to apply to job offers that are published on the EBLA websites, where such option to apply through the EBLA platform is provided for that specific job ad. We will use your Profile data to pre-fill certain fields of the application form and you can upload additional files. Once you click the respective button we will either i) store the data you provided in the application form on the EBLA platform so that the respective recruiting company can access it there or ii) upon the recruiting company’s decision transmit it to the recruiting company instead. If we store the application on our platform, the respective recruiting company will also have access to your Profile and will be able to see the data you provided in the Profile. We will also use the data you have provided as part of your Profile to provide you with job recommendations tailored to your needs based on your Profile data. We can also use any of your profile data to pre-fill form on our platforms for any other service that we provide to you.

  1. Application History

Within your EBLA account we store your applications (including their attachments as CV or cover letter) to job listings that were published on the EBLA platforms in a history that can be accessed via your EBLA account. Information from such applications can be used to prefill fields if you create a EBLA Profile.


4.Registration for a EBLA Account

  1. If you want to register for and create a EBLA Account, you have to provide a valid email address and a password to us, which we will store.
  2. After we received your application to create a EBLA Account we confirm the receipt of such application with a message to the email address provided by you. The agreement for your EBLA Account between you and us comes into effect when we activate your EBLA Account. The completion of the registration by you only constitutes an offer to enter into a contract. EBLA reserves the right to accept or decline the conclusion of the contract in its own discretion. There is no right to claim a conclusion of a contract.
  3. You must provide the requested information and data completely and truthfully. You are responsible to keep your contact data (especially your email-address) up to date and to secure that you can be contacted under the address provided and that the email-address is not transferred to another person. Should any of the provided data change, you have to adjust and correct the data immediately. In the event of incomplete or false information provided by you, EBLA shall have the right, to block your account and the access to our platform temporarily or permanently and/or terminate in accordance with clause 10
  4. Each User is allowed to only create one account. The account is not transferrable.
  5. Obligations and Responsibilities of the User
  6. Users are fully responsible for themselves to provide the hardware and internet connection which is necessary to use our Services.
  7. Please ensure that the Services under a EBLA Account are only used by you. You shall keep access data and passwords in strict confidence. You are responsible for any and all use of access data and passwords and all actions, which occur in context with the use of your EBLA account. If any unauthorized third party had actual or hypothetical access to your login details (email-address in combination with the password), you shall immediately inform EBLA and change any relevant password as soon as possible.
  8. You shall not act illegally in the context of using our Services and/or violate applicable law, particularly you shall not:

Provide us with any content, that

is harassing, offensive, liable to corrupt the young or in other ways illegal;

violates the rights of third parties, especially copyright laws, personality rights or other property laws; is confidential, e.g. includes business secrets;

impersonate as another person, e.g. as a public official, a representative of us, or pretend a relationship to such persons that does not exist, fake user names or manipulate distinctive marks in other ways and/or disguise the origin of content, that is transmitted in context with the Service;

save, publish and/or transmit advertising-, junk-, or mass-emails, chain letters, snow ball systems or other commercial communication;

use scraping or similar techniques, to collect content to use it for another purpose, to publish it again or use it in a different way than what the Services are intended for;

use techniques or automated other Services that aim to show or result in showing users activity incorrectly, e.g. by using bots, bot nets, scripts, apps, plugins, extensions or other automated instruments to register accounts, to play content, to send messages, to post comments or different acts;

to harass, threaten, insult, defame a natural person or a company, disparage or discriminate because of gender, race, religion or beliefs, or state or spread untrue facts about a natural or legal person;

collect, save or transmit personal data of another user, insofar as the affected person has not agreed;

post links to content of third parties, that violates the regulations of these Terms of Use or other regulations.

  1. Any information contained in your Profile and any other information or content you provide to us (“Content”) must be true. That means that you are not allowed to create Profiles for third persons without their consent or for non-existing persons, and that any profile picture that you transmit must show you.
  2. Any Content you provide to us must not contain viruses, worms or any other harmful code. Personal data, that you send or provide to EBLA, should not include, and you warrant and guarantee that it does not include any of the following:

racial or ethnic origin,

political opinions,

religious or philosophical beliefs,

trade union membership,

genetic data,

biometric data for the purpose of uniquely identifying a natural person,

data concerning health

data concerning a natural person’s sex life or sexual orientation

  1. If you transmit personal data to other users or recruiters, then such transmission takes place at your own risk. EBLA cannot control the actual use of your personal data by the recipients. Therefore, please check the identity of the recipients of your data before sending it. For example, you should not send your personal data to a private email-address. We further advise not to send certain sensitive data to recruiters, even if they request it. Such sensitive data are for example passport number, the social security number or bank details.


  1. License in and to User’s Content;
  2. You may use our Services and may transmit Content to us in accordance with these Terms of Use. We do not examine such Content and do not claim ownership of it. By providing the Content to EBLA, you commission us to save, host and – if applicable – make the content available to the public. We use your Content in accordance with the Agreement between you and us under these Terms of Use. By providing your Content to EBLA, you grant a non-exclusive, territorially unrestricted license for the term of the Agreement, to use the Content for purpose of the provision of the Services under your Agreement with us, which includes the right to save, reproduce, format, reformat, technically edit, transmit, make available, to analyse the Content to let it be analysed, evaluate statistically and/or let it be evaluated statistically on our own or by third parties.


  1. You warrant and guarantee that you own all rights that are or a license in and to the Content that is necessary to grant the rights as per section 6 a to EBLA, and that the Content and the use of it by EBLA under the Agreement with you doesn’t violate our Terms of Use or applicable legal regulations and doesn’t infringe intellectual property rights or other rights of third parties.
  2. Fees

The Services of EBLA under these Terms of Use are free of charge for the job seekers.

No Warranty; Backup Copies

  1. We don’t warrant the currency, accuracy, completeness, usability, suitability for a certain purpose of content on our Platforms. We also don’t warrant for the conclusion of an employment contract between Users of our Platforms as applicants and an employer.


  1. EBLA does not warrant that the Services offered by us are available at certain times or permanently. Disturbances, interruptions or possible downtimes of the (online) Service cannot be excluded. Because of technical or operational reasons a temporally limitation of the availability is possible. This is especially possible with regard to the capacity limits, the security or integrity of the data processing systems or the implementation of technical measures, which are necessary for a regular or improved performance.


  1. EBLA’s servers are backed up regularly and carefully. Nevertheless data losses are not excluded. Insofar as you transmit or upload data – regardless of the form – we advise you to make backup copies. This also applies to the event that you terminate your contract with us, because we don’t retain a copy of your data after the deletion, subject only to statutory storage obligations.


  1. Liability
  2. We shall be liable according to statutory law for damages (i) resulting from an injury of life, body or health being based on a breach of duty by EBLA, a legal representative or a vicarious agent of EBLA, (ii) resulting from the lack of a condition guaranteed by EBLA, (iii) caused by intent or gross negligence, also by our statutory representatives and vicarious agents, as well as (iv) caused by malicious conduct of EBLA.
  3. In the event of a material damage or pecuniary loss caused by a slightly negligent conduct of EBLA, a legal representative or a vicarious agent of EBLA, EBLA shall be only liable in the event of a material breach of a contractual core duty, but only to the amount of the typical damage foreseeable in the event of the conclusion of the contract. Contractual core duties are such duties whose accomplishment enables proper fulfilment of an agreement and whose observance the contracting parties may regularly rely on.


  1. A possible liability pursuant to the product liability law remains unaffected.
  2. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, any further liability of EBLA shall be excluded.
  3. Insofar as the liability of EBLA is excluded or restricted, this also applies to the personal liability of the legal representatives, executives and vicarious agents of EBLA.
  4. Termination
  5. The agreement with you for the EBLA Account and the Services provided thereunder as well as for a Job Agent is entered into for an unlimited time. Either party may terminate this agreement with immediate effect in writing.
  6. When the Agreement for EBLA or the Job Agent terminates, we will delete all your personal data that we have stored, or store your data in a not-personal form, unless the processing is lawful and necessary for another purpose.
  7. Intellectual Property Rights in and to our Platforms
  8. Our Platforms and all connected software, databases, graphiinfo, user interfaces, designs and additional content, names and trademarks are protected by the copyright law, the trademark law and additional property rights. As between you and EBLA, EBLA shall be deemed the sole holder of all intellectual property rights.


  1. Under the condition that you comply with these Terms of Use and any other applicable provisions, EBLA grants a non-exclusive and non-transferrable right to use the Platforms and the Service. You shall not (i) use the Platforms or the Service for the development of other Services; (ii) activate or use functionalities of the Platforms or the Service for which you have no right of use; (iiii) change, translate, reproduce, decompile the source code, to examine its functions, except where legally mandatorily permissible.

11.Confidentiality and Data Protection

We treat your personal data confidentially at any time. We only use or publish it, when necessary under these Terms of Use. Each collection and processing of user’s personal data occurs considering applicable data protection law. You can obtain further information about the use of personal data on our Platforms in our privacy statement.

The modifications or adjustments are without significant influence to the functions or Services or solely of a technical or organisational matter.

EBLA introduces completely new Services or elements of Services, which need a performance specification in the terms of use, unless this would be adverse for the present user relationship.

  1. Change of Services or Terms of Use for Services that are available without registration

For Services that are available without registration, these Terms of Use apply in their current version that is published in the Platform when you use the Service and we may change these Terms of Use at any time.


  1. Applicable Law; Venue and other Provisions
  2. This Agreement and its interpretation are governed by Belgian law. If you are a consumer, according to Article 6 para 2 of the Regulation (EC) 593/2008, this choice of law may however not have the result of depriving you of the protection afforded to you by mandatory provisions by virtue of the law which would (in the absence of choice) have been applicable.
  3. If any provision of these Terms of Use shall be held invalid or unenforceable, in whole or in part, such provision shall be deemed severable from these Terms of Use, and the validity and enforceability of all other provisions of these Terms of Use shall not be affected thereby. In such a case the invalid or unenforceable provision will be replaced by a statutory provision.

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